NSE Collective Analytics

Our suite of services that combines predictive analytics
with the power of strategy.

NSE Collective Analytics is a suite of services focused on predictive analytics, scenario planning, and transformation, directly linked to the advisory power and insights of the New Systems Ethic global enterprise.

With real-time scenario systems powered by ActiveGraf, leaders can see the competitive and public impacts investments, policies, and resource deployment ... and take decisive action.

Solving Problems. Delivering Confidence.

We built NSE Collective Analytics because we know leaders want to transform their existing systems in an environment of candor and collaboration. ​They are tired of analytics and scenario companies who work in isolation from human outcomes, strategy, and relationships.

NSE Collective Analytics is the "missing link" when it comes to driving collective impact and removing fear of change. Our suite of services was designed at the request of leaders to promote change, eliminate evasion, and examine changing conditions with confidence.

Launching Insights into Action


For the independent sector (the NSE Non-profit Plus segment), NSE Collective Analytics allows leaders to examine critical assumptions and go from scenario to action in a fraction of the time required in the past. It also provides those leaders greater confidence to respond to changing conditions.

From public health to economic competitiveness, NSE Collective Analytics give independent sector organizations the scenario planning power once reserved for the largest multi-national enterprises.


For the private sector, NSE Collective Analytics allows industry leaders leap over archaic and time-consuming optimization and performance metrics functions and engage in real-time evaluation, stress testing, and reform.

It provides leaders tools and rapid information to anticipate the impact of changing policies and regulatory regimes, and it helps foundations deliver corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs with a focus on outcomes and impact.


For the public sector, NSE Collective Analytics eliminates the segmentation of departmental performance metrics in favor of goals that command the full, integrated attention of critical panels, councils, task forces, and boards. It transforms aspirations of becoming a "digital" community into dashboards for measurable social progress.

It creates a platform to test the effectiveness of proposed policies. And, it turns principles of sustainability into understandable milestones. With NSE Collective Analytics, constituency groups can understand the power of public investment and track the human outcomes.

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